Vim sheet

A Great Vim Cheat Sheet Note: If you’re decent at vim and want your mind blown, check out Advanced Vim. I’ve compiled a list of essential vim commands that I use every day. I then give a few instructions on how to making vim as great as it should be, because it’s painful without configuration. Cursor movement (Inside command/normal mode) w - jump by start of words (punctuation considered words) W - jump by words (spaces separate words) e - jump to end of words (punctuation considered words) E - jump to end of words (no punctuation) b - jump backward by words (punctuation considered words) B - jump backward by words (no punctuation) 0 - (zero) start of line ^ - first non-blank character of line (same as 0w) $ - end of line Advanced (in order of what I find useful) Ctrl+d - move down half a page Ctrl+u - move up half a page } - go forward by paragraph (the next blank line) { - go backward by paragraph (the next blank line) gg - go to the top of the page G - go the bottom of the page : [num] [enter] - Go To that line in the document Searching f [char] - Move to the next char on the current line after the cursor F [char] - Move to the next char on the current line before the cursor t [char] - Move to before the next char on the current line after the cursor T [char] - Move to before the next char on the current line before the cursor All these commands can be followed by ; (semicolon) to go to the next searched item, and , (comma) to go the the previous searched item Insert/Appending/Editing Text Results in insert mode i - start insert mode at cursor I - insert at the beginning of the line a - append after the cursor A - append at the end of the line o - open (append) blank line below current line (no need to press return) O - open blank line above current line cc - change (replace) an entire line c [movement command] - change (replace) from the cursor to the move-to point. ex. ce changes from the cursor to the end of the cursor word Esc - exit insert mode r [char] - replace a single character with the specified char (does not use insert mode) d - delete d - [movement command] deletes from the cursor to the move-to point. ex. de deletes from the cursor to the end of the current word dd - delete the current line Advanced J - join line below to the current one Marking text (visual mode) v - starts visual mode From here you can move around as in normal mode (hjkl etc.) and can then do a command (such as y, d, or c) V - starts linewise visual mode Ctrl+v - start visual block mode Esc - exit visual mode Advanced O - move to Other corner of block o - move to other end of marked area Visual commands Type any of these while some text is selected to apply the action ...

30 dĂ©cembre 2016 Â· 7 min