SPX: php profiling

Source : https://github.com/NoiseByNorthwest/php-spx Installation apt-get install zlib1g-dev Replace X by your PHP version : apt install phpX.X-dev git clone https://github.com/NoiseByNorthwest/php-spx.git cd php-spx git checkout release/latest phpize ./configure make make install Configuration create /etc/php/X.X/mod-available/spx.ini extension=spx.so process.dumpable = yes spx.http_enabled=1 spx.http_key="password" spx.http_ip_whitelist="" Replace password and your ip ln -s /etc/php/X.X/mod-available/spx.ini /etc/php/X.X/fpm/conf.d/20-spx.ini go to http://example.com/?SPX_KEY=password&SPX_UI_URI=/ Enjoy !

9 août 2023 · 1 min